Articles on: Features


Log in to Cyph
Open app or navigate to

Click on Messaging

To Add a User:

Type in the name of the user you want add

Select the user from the drop-down list

Once selected, you may select the user and interact with them
Selecting their name allows you to message the user
Selecting their profile icon/image allows you to view the contact, allowing you to remove the user from your contacts list

To Share a File:

Select the profile icon for the name of the user

Select the paperclip icon to share a file

To Remove a User:

Select the profile icon for the name of the user

Click the trash icon to remove the user from your contacts

To Send a Message:

Select the profile icon for the name of the user

Select the Messaging icon beneath the user's name

To Call a User:

Select the profile icon for the name of the user

Select the phone icon beneath the user's name

To Video Call a User:

Select the profile icon for the name of the user

Select the Video Camera icon beneath the user's name

Updated on: 05/24/2023

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